There will be three history research essays this term. The first will be due October 9, the second will be due October 30, and the final essay will be due November 20. Each essay is to be handed in no later than 3:00 p.m. of the due date.

Interactive site from the History Channel UK for the French Revolution. We will be watching this video in class as part of our studies.
The first set of essay questions are as follows:
1. To what extent were the weaknesses of the French monarchy responsible for the outbreak of the French Revolution?
2. Account for the financial weakness of the French monarchy in the second half of the eighteenth century and show how far this weakness was responsible for the outbreak of the revolution in 1789.
3. To what extent were both poverty and prosperity causes of the 1789 revolution in France?
The second set of essay questions are as follows:
1. For what reasons, and with what results, was the French Revolution so violent between 1789 and 1794?
2. "A ruthless dictator"; "a true social and political democrat". With reference to the French revolutionary leader, Robespierre, explain which statement you consider to be more appropriate.
3. To what extent did the outbreak of war in April 1792 change the nature and the course of the French Revolution?
4. What factors made it difficult to establish a limited monarchy in France between 1789 and 1792?
Painting is David's "Tennis Court Oath".