Monday, December 31, 2007
Les Mis Bonus Assignment
Option 1. Review the videos found at the links, barricade 1, barricade 2, or use your own clip from the same scene of a production of Les Mis. You will write an analysis of the costuming, characters, barricade composition, props, in regards to historical accuracy. There should be citations and you may focus upon one to three aspects from the list above. Length 200 to 500 words.
Option 2. Using the song "Do you hear the people sing", sample video 1, sample video 2, as the background music create a 30 to 60 second video of period images that reflect or illustrate the lyrics of the song sample that you have selected. Your video, probably made using Microsoft Movie Maker, should have a 150 to 300 word explanation of the choice of images.
Option 3. Assignment of your own devising by negotiation with the instructor.
The sample video 1 and video 2 are embedded below. You may need to turn up the volume.
The Vienna Settlement or the Congress of Vienna

This is a link to a website with animated maps of European history. This link will take you to an animated map detailing changes that occur in Europe due to the Congress of Vienna. The map and others may be found at The Map as History website.

Here is a collection of resources for the upcoming research essay.
The first is a link to an AP history page with document packets and an extensive list of links at the bottom of the page.
Link to Norman, R. Introduction from Age of Nationalism and Reform
Link to Nicolson The Congress of Vienna, Chap XVI Failure of the Congress System 1812-1822
Links to Sections from Chapman, The Congress of Vienna
Table of Contents and War and Revolution in Europe 1789-1814
Aims of the Great Powers at the Congress of Vienna
The Congress System
Breakdown of the Settlement 1830-1914
Congress of Vienna Glossary and Biographies
Links to the articles from Section III:
Vasquez, J. "Conclusion: The Vienna ..."
Sellin, V. "Conclusion: France ..."

Monday, November 19, 2007
Napoleon Links and Documents

Thursday, November 15, 2007
Christmas Exam Outline
There will be two essay questions and one document based essay.
Part I 40 points
You will have two lists of essays and you will choose one question from each list, you may not choose two questions from the same list. The first list will cover period from the European Enlightenment to the French Revolution. The second list will include questions from the French Revolution to Napoleon I (1815)
Part II 20 points
For the document based essay you will write an essay using a selection of documents provided to you on the day of the exam. You must use the documents to support your essay, either by quoting sections of the documents or making reference to specific documents. Link to documents.
You will have three hours for the exam and should plan to divide your time equally between the three essays.
Part I will consist of the two essays and Part II will consist of the document based question. You will complete and hand in Part I before you receive Part II. You will have two hours for Part I and the remaining time for Part II..
Content: See Topic I in your study Guide named I French Revolution: causes, course, effects.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
French Revolution Video Link
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Presentation for Age of Enlightenment
Monday, September 17, 2007
Jean Jacques Rousseau
Resources and Links for the French Revolution I
The Glossary of terms for the French Revolution.
The site named Liberty, Fraternity, Equality: Exploring the French Revolution is a large site with a lot of resources for this period in history.
Emmanuel Sieyes's (1789) What is the Third Estate?
Thomas Paine's (1791) Rights of Man
Lefebrve's The Coming of the French Revolution: 1. The Aristocracy, 2. Crisis in the Monarchy. Save to disk and open as Adobe file
History Research Essays
There will be three history research essays this term. The first will be due October 9, the second will be due October 30, and the final essay will be due November 20. Each essay is to be handed in no later than 3:00 p.m. of the due date.

Interactive site from the History Channel UK for the French Revolution. We will be watching this video in class as part of our studies.
The first set of essay questions are as follows:
1. To what extent were the weaknesses of the French monarchy responsible for the outbreak of the French Revolution?
2. Account for the financial weakness of the French monarchy in the second half of the eighteenth century and show how far this weakness was responsible for the outbreak of the revolution in 1789.
3. To what extent were both poverty and prosperity causes of the 1789 revolution in France?
The second set of essay questions are as follows:
1. For what reasons, and with what results, was the French Revolution so violent between 1789 and 1794?
2. "A ruthless dictator"; "a true social and political democrat". With reference to the French revolutionary leader, Robespierre, explain which statement you consider to be more appropriate.
3. To what extent did the outbreak of war in April 1792 change the nature and the course of the French Revolution?
4. What factors made it difficult to establish a limited monarchy in France between 1789 and 1792?
Painting is David's "Tennis Court Oath".
Saturday, September 15, 2007
European Age of Enlightenment Prep
Complete the following questions in your notebook and be prepared to share your work with the class.
1. The Impact of “Scientific” Thought
Read section and take a few notes.
2. The Spread of New Knowledge
A. What was L’Encyclopedie?
B. What is a philosophe?
3. Ideas that Changed the World
A. What are the dates for the three major philosophes presented in this section?
B. Give a brief summary of each of the three major philosophes presented in this section.
4. Enlightened Despotism
A. Choose one of the countries presented in the text and give a summary of the textbook's account of leadership in that country.
5. Enlightened Monarchy: Summary and Assessment
Read section and take notes.
The Encyclopedia of Diderot and d'Alembert

Here is a link to the Encyclopedia of Diderot and d'Alembert. It was written during the Enlightenment and provides an interesting view into the minds and ideas of the time. It is fully searchable using a variety of methods.