Monday, December 31, 2007

Les Mis Bonus Assignment

Bonus Assignment using one song or one video from the musical Les Mis.

Option 1. Review the videos found at the links, barricade 1, barricade 2, or use your own clip from the same scene of a production of Les Mis. You will write an analysis of the costuming, characters, barricade composition, props, in regards to historical accuracy. There should be citations and you may focus upon one to three aspects from the list above. Length 200 to 500 words.

Option 2. Using the song "Do you hear the people sing", sample video 1, sample video 2, as the background music create a 30 to 60 second video of period images that reflect or illustrate the lyrics of the song sample that you have selected. Your video, probably made using Microsoft Movie Maker, should have a 150 to 300 word explanation of the choice of images.

Option 3. Assignment of your own devising by negotiation with the instructor.

The sample video 1 and video 2 are embedded below. You may need to turn up the volume.

The Vienna Settlement or the Congress of Vienna

This is a link to a website with animated maps of European history. This link will take you to an animated map detailing changes that occur in Europe due to the Congress of Vienna. The map and others may be found at The Map as History website.

Here is a collection of resources for the upcoming research essay.

The first is a link to an AP history page with document packets and an extensive list of links at the bottom of the page.

Link to Norman, R. Introduction from Age of Nationalism and Reform

Link to Nicolson The Congress of Vienna, Chap XVI Failure of the Congress System 1812-1822

Links to Sections from Chapman, The Congress of Vienna

Table of Contents and War and Revolution in Europe 1789-1814

Aims of the Great Powers at the Congress of Vienna

The Congress System

Breakdown of the Settlement 1830-1914

Congress of Vienna Glossary and Biographies

Links to the articles from Section III:

Vasquez, J. "Conclusion: The Vienna ..."

Sellin, V. "Conclusion: France ..."