Monday, November 19, 2007
Napoleon Links and Documents

Thursday, November 15, 2007
Christmas Exam Outline
There will be two essay questions and one document based essay.
Part I 40 points
You will have two lists of essays and you will choose one question from each list, you may not choose two questions from the same list. The first list will cover period from the European Enlightenment to the French Revolution. The second list will include questions from the French Revolution to Napoleon I (1815)
Part II 20 points
For the document based essay you will write an essay using a selection of documents provided to you on the day of the exam. You must use the documents to support your essay, either by quoting sections of the documents or making reference to specific documents. Link to documents.
You will have three hours for the exam and should plan to divide your time equally between the three essays.
Part I will consist of the two essays and Part II will consist of the document based question. You will complete and hand in Part I before you receive Part II. You will have two hours for Part I and the remaining time for Part II..
Content: See Topic I in your study Guide named I French Revolution: causes, course, effects.